Archangel Uriel
~A Message from Archangel Uriel~ March 2024
Most Beloved Friends,
We are so appreciative for your taking the time to read our words this day. We know that life as it is on Planet Earth is very busy, hectic, rushing here and there is the norm, not enough time in your day, and then weariness and exhaustion can show up. So this is why we understand that it is a task at times to take a few minutes to read something or listen to something that might be beneficial.
We hope that you will be able to receive some insight and peacefulness with our words. If what we say to you resonates with you, then we feel we have done what we wish to do.
All messages upon this page are given in love, gratitude and sweetness. And often we may seem to be repeaters but there is a reason for it. Each who gives a message may say the same thing but will say it in a different way. And with that some will 'get' what is said by one Archangel and others may 'get' what another one imparts.
Each of you is unique. Each of you is different. Each of you is on your own personal journey and what resonates with one will not with another. This is what we say is one of the beautiful things about life. Thus each one resonates in a different way to one thing. You have the saying that not all boats float the same way. This is so very true for there are many factors around the floating of your boat and your neighbor’s boat.
We who reside in what is called the Higher Realms are your supporters, your co-creators, your trusted friends. If you choose to see us in this way and not as separate and unavailable, your life can shift in a dramatic way. For when you understand that you don't have to do everything by yourself, that you are not here to struggle and stress, you see that there is so much more to this journey of yours, this incredible gift of life.
We know you have heard the saying 'What you resist, persists'. Oh yes, that is true in all ways. The human ego has a great role in helping to keep you on your toes so to speak. That ego will tell you many things that you choose to believe. Don't fight with your ego. Allow it to show you that you are in control, not as you might think - the mind and the ego run the show, but it is you who runs it all. You are the only driver of your vehicle and you can test drive it in any way you wish and where you wish to go. Your mind/ego/personality is not meant to drive you to where you are to go but to be as passengers in the back seat (and no back seat drivers allowed).
Resisting comes in many forms. If you have a nudge or a thought that feels good and you ignore it because it doesn't make sense, seems too outlandish and foolish, you don't have time or the money or, and on go the reasons - that is the resisting. The ego will be very willing to help you find numerous reasons to ignore something that most likely is what your heart is speaking and that your soul desires and what could be something that could bring you joy and happiness.
Many resist because of fear. Fear is an ugly beast. It has many faces. Take a moment and ask yourself while being very honest, what it is you fear. You might even make a list and look to see all the fears. Do this without judgment, for fear itself is a great teacher. And as long as you resist, all will persist and life will continue on as it is.
Beloved Ones, we ask you to see everything, everything, in your life with the eyes of love, kindness and compassion. See all the issues that show up as gifts instead of burdens. We repeat: see everything as a gift. We promise that when you embrace all with love and gratitude, while holding true to what is in your heart, you will know without a doubt that all is in Divine and Perfect Order and that you cannot fail! There is no failure - the belief that failure has or will occur is what can make it seem real to you.
So perhaps you are asking how you move away from believing in failure and having fear of that failing. Beloved and Dearest Ones, it is so much more simple than you make it to be. That is something the beautiful human, you who are an incredible being in your human suit, think is hard. You have been taught and thus believe that life is meant to be hard, that there is all work and no play, that you have to work, work, work to gain and be anything and then of course you are so exhausted trying to accomplish this and end up without the true meaning of life - that of joy, laughter, love and blessings. Magical moments are created by the human who shifts away from all of those old beliefs of fear, lack, and gloom and doom, to embracing each moment with heartfelt love, adoration and joy. And those three are what you will have if you decide to shift. You have a magic wand in your hand. Are you ready to use it?
You are so much more powerful than you think you are and you can achieve anything - yes ANYTHING - when you decide you have had enough of the old and worn out, the undesirable way life has been and say "No more".
Saying this and meaning it (not just uttering words without completely feeling them will not change anything) is your first and biggest step. After that you can get into the flow of 'easy peasy' which is a very delightful place to be. You deserve to have this flow in your life. You deserve it because it is your birthright! So say it out loud, write it down or however you wish to express it, but you must put it out to the Universe and not keep it hiding within.
Please do this Dearest Ones: trust, believe and love yourself, love your life and everyone and everything in it. It all begins with you. It all depends on how you give love, appreciation, honor, kindness with no judgment whatsoever to you! To you!
If you are willing to do this, then you can find the peace of mind, the love that you desire and the knowingness that you are very loved and that All really is well! You did not come here to experience struggle, sadness, emptiness and low self-esteem. No you did not! You came to enjoy a beautiful journey of experiences that you choose and to find growth and insight along the way. It is all good Beloveds! It really is all good!
You can master anything and you can master your life as it is meant to be. You can create anything and you can create your life as it is meant to be. See and know your Divinity! See and know how precious you are and how nothing can harm you in any way. See and know that you are a Divine creation of God/Source/Universe/Creator or however you choose to see the source of all creation, and so how could you be less than Divine?
Banish all those untruths, beliefs and programming now Dearest Ones! Open the door and show them out and then close the door behind them as you tell them thank you and send them on their way. They are not needed or welcome any longer.
The most important words in your vocabulary are: Love, Joy, Trust, Believe, Compassion, Kindness, Self-love, Self-Care, Gratitude, Appreciation and Yes! Say yes to all of those words and we promise that it will be wonderful, magnificent and awesome. It is up to you to decide to choose what you wish to do, who you wish to be and where you wish to go. Just you. No one else can tell you what to do or not do, who to be or not be, or where to go or not go. It is for you, the singular you, to take hold of the wheel of your incredible vehicle, turn the key on and gently move forward to unknown horizons that you know will be exciting, fabulous, and filled with magical moments - those moments that only you can create. You do not have to know what lies ahead. All you need to know is that it is all perfect and splendid.
Go forth today and begin anew. It is the month of March. March forth! See it as a new beginning, a new adventure and a new you! It is your choice and we are your cheerleaders in every step you take. We have you covered so there is not one thing to fear or be concerned about.
We smile as we say all of this to you. Our heart is filled with love and tenderness for you. We know who you are and we know what you can do. You can do anything! Remember this along the way: "Uriel said so".
In Love, Light, Gratitude and Blessings,
We are the Archangel Uriel ©
~A Message from Archangel Uriel~ November 2023
Greetings Dear Friends,
We would like to speak with you about time. Yes, if you have read some of our messages we often do speak of time for it is important in the human life.
Linear time is what you use to govern most every move you make.
Think for a moment how often you use the word ‘time’ in your day. “It is time to get up.” “It is time to go to bed.” “It is dinnertime.” “I need more time to get this task done.” “What time is it?” “What time will you do this or that?” “I don’t have time to talk to you right now.” “How much time is left until it is completed?” And so on and so on.
Can you say in truth that you never use any of these terms or similar ones in your day in some form or another?
Time has governed each of your lives so much for so very long that it has sometimes created many difficulties for you.
You have clocks everywhere you turn to look to see what time it is. They are on the wall, on your radios, your microwave ovens, your DVD players and televisions as well as your phones and computers. And now that many do not wear a wristwatch anymore they still are often checking their mobile phones to see what time it is. Time is always close at hand is it not?
But what is time? How does it play into your life? How does it benefit you and how does it restrict you?
Step back Beloveds and look at it as an observer. Observe how many limitations you put on yourselves when letting time be in control.
In the higher dimensions, the Light Realms, there is no time. We can be everywhere at the same time. There is no distance nor is there time to go from one location to another. We can be in the past, present and future all at once.
You are in a dimensional incarnation where linear time is a part of your life. That works perfectly as is designed as long as you do not let it rule your life. You will always have appointments that are set for a certain time. This is a necessary part of your existence.
But when you feel rushed to make it to those appointments because of what you see as ‘not enough time’ is where things can get out of balance for you. How do you avoid this imbalance? It is not as hard as you may think.
When you can allow yourself to let go of thoughts of always being on time, getting where you are to go on time and meeting deadlines, you will find that you do get there and do make it on time without having to stress over it.
Oh the burdens you have placed upon yourselves so often. Instead of seeing something as having a deadline, see it as an achievement that you will have and be joyful that it will be accomplished. It all will get done if it should get done, so why not put joy and enthusiasm into it instead of having fear of it not happening just as you think it should?
You can shift the way you perceive everything in your life. It is like turning a leaf over to see the other side. One side has fear, worry and concern for getting things done on time and the other side has a bright and happy scene of all coming to be in perfect timing and with great results.
The most efficient and focused person is not always the one who sees the side with the joyful vibration. On the surface they may seem all together and able to get what needs to be done without failure. Yes, they may do that but they may also have a great deal of turmoil inside.
Now please do not think that everyone who appears to be balanced is really not balanced because of what we just said. No there are many who do understand the concept of letting time be secondary. But each of you, no matter who you are, will find yourselves occasionally or frequently letting time act as your director.
And again we stress that it is okay when it happens. It can be another opportunity for you to shift your consciousness to the one that gives you peace.
You have been told by so many teachers, guides and others that living in the now is what matters.
You have heard it, read it and given thought to it. But have you embraced it fully?
Let us explain why it is so important.
You all carry a lot of baggage from the past. This is from past lifetimes as well as from this lifetime beginning with your childhood and moving up to the present day.
In this baggage you have a combination of beliefs, notions and things that have happened that are still very much a part of you, even though you are not consciously aware of them.
If you would take each piece of this baggage, or luggage, and open them one at a time to examine the contents you would be very surprised at what is in them.
You will find fear, guilt, unforgiveness, and emotions that you never knew you had. By opening them up you can see them just as what they are: pieces or items that no longer serve you and that you can discard immediately if you choose.
Now we say, ‘If you choose’ for of course it is your choice. Some do find what to them feels comforting by holding on to the massive accumulation and we would never tell you that you should dispose of them if you do not choose. But if you are willing and have the desire to alter your life in ways that are beautiful and fulfilling, then you can begin right away.
Whatever it is that is in the past does not matter anymore. It is over and that is why it is in the past. Let the past go and discover now, the present moment. Be in the present. As we often say, “It is called the present because it is a gift.” And it is dear friends, it is a gift. When you can move beyond what has occurred before and thus is of no meaning for you, and focus on now, what is right now in this moment and this moment only, you will find that your world is surrounded in blessings that you did not even see before. If you are too busy looking at what was and trying to figure out what is to come, you cannot see what is around you in all of its beauty. It is like wearing blinders.
When you can be in the moment, you can know that there is no need to be of concern of what lies ahead in your future as it will be taken care of in perfect timing and in the way you want it to play out.
You see, when you do not focus on the past nor on the future by remaining here and now, you can drop the fears and worries because you will see there is nothing to fear and nothing to worry about.
Fearful thoughts beget fearful times. If you do not hold a fearful thought then there is nothing to fear. Fear being an illusion that the mind makes up to keep you in bondage, does not have to be a part of your being.
Yes, fear will come to you at times. That is part of the learning process and lessons each of your souls has asked to be in your life so that you may grow and advance.
Do not go to battle with yourself when you have fear and then ‘beat yourselves up’, as you all like to say. Let them come and then heal whatever it is that you do fear by seeing it as only an illusion that your mind has brought into existence. It is a lot like a magician who does his tricks which are all really illusions and there is always an exclamation to how they are performed.
You can be the magician in your life. You can do magic with all that is here right now and what will come. You can pull whatever you wish out of your magician’s hat and do what you wish with it. So if you desire to see blessings, gifts and beauty then that is what you will have. If you wish to see gloom and impossibilities then you shall have that.
You have choice in everything you do. You are in control of creating your life and what is in it in the way you wish. It is our wish that you will select the good that you deserve. Choose wisely and with trust and faith that you will receive just what you wish to create.
Time is not of essence as your saying goes. You have all the ‘time’ you need to do what you want to do. Everything is always in Divine Timing. Being in the flow of that Divine Timing and having trust that the flow will move over and around all those obstacles that you perceive to be there, is how you can move along to joy, happiness and all that you desire.
Like a river whose water moves along and flows over or around the rocks and logs that it comes upon, so does your life flow if you see it that way. The water has no worries about what is ahead or how it will get there. It just flows on without focusing on the hows and whys.
There does not have to be a dam to block your flow. The only obstructions that you can find are those that you have placed there yourself.
Be at peace with what is now and let go of the worries of what is to come. And know it will come exactly at the right time: it always does if you do not block it with unnecessary fear and anxious worries.
To use your expression, “Time will tell” Divine Timing will show up at just the perfect moment. It always does. It will give you a magical story if you allow it. It is up to you Beloveds. It is up to you.
We thank you for ‘taking time’ to read these words. It is your choice to do with them as you wish and whatever you choose, know you are always unconditionally loved.
With Love, Light, Gratitude and Blessings,
We are the Archangel Uriel©
~A Message from Archangel Uriel~ July 2023
Greetings, Blessings and Joyfulness,
We are the Angel known as Archangel Uriel. We bring a message of hope and inspiration to all who desire to listen.
Each time we speak with you in this way is because it is the right time. You see Beloveds, the words we impart are a very necessary and oh so important tool in the cleansing and the changes that are needed and must occur. Much has been said about the energy shifting that has been happening for quite a few years. In the last two of your linear years it has become one of the most talked about subjects. That is so good. Awareness is vital. It has now come to the point of what you knew was coming has begun to show up in ways that are visible, audible and what you would call reality.
With the internet alone, connection to every corner of the planet can be made and is being made in every moment. At the touch of your fingertips you can now connect with someone who is very far away. You can find answers to everything you wish to learn about by typing is a few words into a search box. You can listen to many, such as meditations and other wonderful things others have given. You have access to multitudes of videos like are on YouTube to view. So much is there for you and there is something for everyone’s taste.
People everywhere are reaching out and connecting. You can listen and watch multitudes of every topic one can think of, of all varieties, on all subjects around the clock. And you can do it in the comfort of your own homes if you wish.
It is making it easier for people who at one time would not have been able to meet others with the same interests to find each other.
You are reading this because of similar interests. And because there is really no dimension of time in the spiritual world, no matter when you are reading our words it is occurring for you in the now moment.
Beloved friends, we are so very pleased to be a part of this if you wish. We are available if you so choose, to assist you in taking one step at a time to walk that path you want to be on.
With this we must add that because there is so much out there that it would be very prudent to remember to use discernment in what you see and hear. You are bombarded with overwhelming chatter coming at you through all forms of media. Much of it is not for your highest good. This is where discernment comes in. Go into your inner being and let your heart and your instincts tell you what is right for you. It is a lot like being at a large banquet buffet table with so many things to choose from that you don’t know what to take. Take only what you want to take, take only what you want to taste and let all else that is not to your liking be left on the tables. Question what the ingredients are and what is the basic ingredient. Is it healthy and nourishing? Or is it perhaps tasteless and has hidden and even harmful ingredients that you do not want to consume?
Now we will switch gears a bit. Each of you has a very important path. Some of you are already aware of your paths and others are just taking the first steps. Whichever it is for you is perfect. Do not be concerned about another’s path. They have their own unique path to walk upon. You have yours. If are not sure of what yours is as of yet, that is okay. Just relax and allow your steps to find it and we assure you that they will. Your soul knows that path and where it is headed. It will be sure to guide you to and on it. Do not despair if you see another who you feel is moving along at a faster pace. They too had to find the right place to step on to their path. You will find yours as well. Each person is different as is each path. No two are the same. Even biological twins have different paths.
Yes paths can be similar but not one is the same as another. They are just like snowflakes with not two being the same. So remember this and be content with your path. Do not try to alternate another’s path.
Acknowledge your accomplishments and not what you think are your mistakes or ‘defeats’. The accomplishments are real. The defeats are only illusions. Be at peace with yourself and realize how great you are. Know this my friends because you are so very great. You are each at the top of the scale on grandeur. Hold your heads high and know that you, just as everyone else, are doing the best you can. And that is all you need to do. You need not try so hard. Many of you make so many difficulties in your lives that you do not need to have.
If you were to take pen in hand and write your story, what would it be? Imagine what you would say. We suggest that the story be only one of joy, love, happiness, kindness, abundance and laughter. Those are all that you need and all that you are meant to have. How will this story begin? How will it play out? How will it conclude? Let your imagination take you to places in this story that will bring all of those joys and that happiness to you. Just remember that you are the main character and anyone else who is in it will only play, as you might put it, a bit part. They only add color to your story.
Write your stories Beloveds and take your time doing so as you know there really is no such thing as time. That is another human illusion. You have as much time as you want and need. There is no need to rush. And also we remind you that as you go along and find that something in the story is not working or has become obsolete, then rewrite it. You have the choice at every stroke of you pen or pencil, or what you type, to erase, delete and redo.
If you would like to try this we suggest that you just have fun and hold no limitations to what you create. This is really how your life is. You create everything in it. Everything that is and has been, as well as will be, is of your own creation. So what do you want to create? What have you created that you wish to change? Create what is for you Higher Good and not what you think; that is what your mind or ego tells you would make you feel better.
Contemplate on this. Go within and connect with your inner wisdom. Let your Higher Self answer these questions for you. Every answer that you need to every question you have is right there inside waiting to be revealed.
Most of you do not realize how powerful you are. And of course we do not mean the type of power that humans think of as having control over another. No this is a power that when once you step into it you can realize your magnificence, your unlimited ability to do what you need to do. It is a power based in love, backed by love and a gift that has been given to you by your Creator.
Follow your dreams by following with your heart. You can never go wrong if you stay in that heart place.
This is a very good time to reflect on what is right in your life and what you wish to change. Half of your linear year 2023 has passed by so this can be a very good time to do the change that you need to do. You have a bright and brilliant ride to get on and it waits for you. But if you never take the chance and get on that ride you will never know what you have missed. Take the ‘risk’ to step into your power, out of your comfort zone and create the life you are meant to have. Be bold and trust that you are a Divine being and that nothing can harm you. When you truly believe and trust this, your life can become one that you have thought only was in a novel or movie and never to be one you can have. It can and will if you choose it. Take hold of your power, hold the wheel, the reins, the handle to the door and go for it!
With Love, Light, Gratitude and Blessings,
Archangel Uriel©
~A Message from Archangel Uriel ~ August 2022
Most Beloved Friends,
We are very appreciative for your taking the time to read our words this day. We know that life as it is on Planet Earth is very busy, hectic, with rushing here and there being the norm, not enough time in your day, and that weariness and exhaustion can show up. So this is why we understand that it is a task at times to take a few minutes to read something or listen to something that might be beneficial.
We hope that you will be able to receive some insight and peacefulness with our words. If what we say to you resonates with you, then we feel we have done what we wish to do.
All messages upon that are in this format are given in love, gratitude and sweetness. And often we may seem to be ‘repeaters’ but there is a reason for it as there is a reason for everything we say. Each who gives a message may say the same thing but will say it in a different way. And with that some will 'get' what is said my one Archangel and others may 'get' what another one imparts. Each of you is unique. Each of you is different. Each of you is on your own personal journey and what resonates with one may not with another. This is what can be one of the beautiful things about life if you choose it to be.
We who reside in what is called the Higher Realms are your supporters, your co-creators, your trusted friends. If you choose to see us in this way and not as separate and unavailable, your life can shift in a dramatic way. For when you understand that you don't have to do everything by yourself, that you are not here to struggle and stress, you see that there is so much more to this journey of yours, this incredible gift of life. We know you have heard the saying 'What you resist, persists'. Oh yes, that is true is all ways.
The human ego has a great role in helping to keep you on your toes so to speak. That ego will tell you many things that you choose to believe. Don't fight with your ego. Allow it to show you that you are in control, not the mind and the ego, but you. You are the only driver of your vehicle and you can test drive it in any way you wish and where you wish to go. Resisting comes in many forms. If you have a nudge or a thought that feels good and you ignore it because it doesn't make sense, seems too outlandish and foolish, you don't have time or the money or, and on it goes. The ego will be very willing to help you find numerous reasons to ignore something that most likely is what you heart, your soul desires and what would be something that could bring you joy and happiness.
Many resist something or someone because of fear. Fear is an ugly beast. It has many faces. Take a moment and ask yourself while being very honest, what it is you fear. You might even make a list and look to see all the fears. Do this without judgment for fear itself is a great teacher. Beloved Ones, we ask you to see everything, everything, in your life with the eyes of love, kindness and compassion. See all the issues that show up as gifts instead of burdens.
Let us talk about your life as it is now and how it will be. You have heard from many beings of the Light on different aspects of this. This is the most important topic for you so yes it may seem as if we are bombarding you at times with the same rhetoric.
Yes we are ‘Repeat Repeaters’ and will cease to do so when all humanity embraces who they are and what their truth is – that is that they are a Divine Being and are not merely this human vessel that they reside within.
The world as you know it is in the midst of change that has never been seen before. Yes we are repeating! The importance of it is beyond your comprehension beloveds but trust us when we tell you that it is.
Now not only your planet but also humanity is changing, changing for the Highest Good of all. Ascension is and will happen for the Earth and for all beings.
So what is it exactly that you are being asked to do? Each of you has a very important role that you chose to accomplish. No role is more important than another. There are some who are in the limelight because they are to bring awareness to the masses by being seen and heard by great numbers.
If you are not one of those, your role is not any less important. This is something you must understand and believe.
For many today who are experiencing hardship, ill health, losses and what feels like inner turmoil it is not easy and we understand this completely.
All old ideas and beliefs must be removed and replaced by love of self, acceptance of self, appreciation of self, and trust of self. All systems and constructs must be removed and revised so as to be in alignment with this ascension of the planet and of all of humanity. The animals and plants are also ascending in their own way.
Let us speak of those beliefs. Each and every human incarnate at this time has a memory bank if you will, that carries beliefs and ideas from generation after generation that have become part of one’s life that it is a reality. There can be some of these beliefs that are imbedded so very deep within your core that you do not see them or know they exist. These must be brought to the surface and accepted and then released and healed.
Remember that there is nothing wrong with you. There is nothing to fix. You are Divine. You are magnificent and whilst you are incarnate as a human you have forgotten who you are.
So here is the guidance that we have for you. You can do what you want with it. It is merely showing you some possibilities on how to move beyond all of this old programming. Yes that is what it is. Everyone, and no one is exempt from this, has been ‘sold a bill of goods’ by misinformation and those who have sought power over others.
We invite you to create more time for the inner work that can be most beneficial. Set aside regular time to meditate, journal, sit and listen to the inner wisdom of your soul and allow whatever is still lurking inside to come forth. It will if you allow it. We know that at times it seems easier to resist doing this and to ignore it. But like the itch that needs to be scratched, it will become more and more noticeable until it cannot be ignored.
The inner work is necessary Beloveds because you are the one, and only you, who can bring all that ‘stuff’, those beliefs, ideas, concepts and ideologies to the surface so that you can release it. It can be a challenge and often a bit uncomfortable, but we assure you once each one is sent packing and you are free from it you will feel relief and a sense of peace.
Your soul talks to you through your heart and through your body. Yes your beautiful minds chatter most of the time if you let them. And if you let the mind be in charge it can give you all sorts of reasons to ignore the messages your body and heart are sending by telling you that you cannot heal, that you are destined to be in turmoil and fear. Ego needs to protect you so in its view you can’t change or take risks. You must stay where you are and be in fear. This is NOT your truth. Ego serves a purpose as it can show you what you don’t want to do or be.
On the other hand, if you allow your heart to guide you and follow what it says, you will accomplish what you need to do. And if you listen to your body as it tells you that you need to pay attention, you can also heal as you need to heal.
Being in human incarnation is not a piece of cake. It is difficult to deal with all the dense third dimensional energies of life. This is why we tell you more and more how appreciated you are and how important you are.
We ask that you work on yourselves. Be compassionate, kind and loving to you. Let go of any judgment that you have of you and who you are. Allow the real you, the Divine Being that you are, come out to play.
If each person does this and only works on his or herself the results will be very amazing you see. As each one does the inner work needed to free themselves from what no longer serves them as with fear for example, it will be like a beautiful tree in the spring whose buds open one by one to reveal a beautiful blossom. As more and more blossoms open up, the tree becomes one display of outstanding beauty. And as in the fall, as the old that does not serve you and hinders you, falls away, just as the leaves fall to the ground to make way for the new leaves to come again when it is time.
Dearest Ones, the world as you know it seems upside down and in a complete mess. And that is true in ways yet not in other ways. You see, what you see going on in the outer world is as many call it a play or pantomime. And they are correct. Eons of old unloving, uncaring, manipulating and corrupting systems, institutions and those with greed in their hearts, must be removed so as to usher in the new world, the world that you deserve and are here to assist in bringing forth.
It can’t happen overnight. As it took thousands of years to bring it to where it is today, it takes time, precision and care to remove it. Trust in your Creator. You are always taken care of and you are not here to be unsupported. As long as you stay in your heart, do not play in the chaotic and fearful games that are out there.
Be in the moment, love yourself, care for yourself, listen to your heart and inner guidance, be compassionate and kind while understanding that everyone is doing the best he or she can and even though they may not see what you see it is okay for each of you creates your own reality and that is perfect for them.
Listen to others and do not try to make them see things your way. Allow, allow, allow. Let each one find their way just as you are finding yours.
Remember Beloved Hearts, that all is going to be okay. All is unfolding and even though it may seem doomed, it is going just as planned. You are always watched over and nothing can come to you that is harmful as long as you stay in your truth and power and let no one take that from you. Be you and not what others tell you to be. Do you and not what others tell you to do.
With Love, Light, Gratitude and Infinite Blessings,
We are the Archangel Uriel©
Please Note: Uriel asked that the message given one year ago be reprinted this month. There have been some additions and alterations made to update to the current time. Angels’ Blessings, Linayah
~ A Message from Archangel Uriel~ February 2022
Blessed and Beloved Ones,
We would like to speak to you about your life as it is now and how it will be. You have heard from many beings of the Light on different aspects of this. This is the most important topic for you so yes it may seem as if we are bombarding you at times with the same rhetoric.
The world as you know it is in the midst of change that has never been seen before. The importance of it is still beyond your comprehension yet more and more are coming aware and what is being called by many as ‘the Great Awakening” is occurring. Beloveds trust us when we tell you that this change is bringing into being something you could not have even dreamed about in ‘your wildest dreams’ a few years ago.
You are reading this because you are among those who are awake or awakening to your true essence and Divinity.
For some what we are telling you may be uncomfortable to understand. But it is vital that you do listen and attempt to comprehend the words.
Long ago those in the Upper Realms came together to discuss the dire situation that was upon Earth and with those who live upon the planet. It was decided that Mother Earth, also known as Gaia, was more than worthy to have the assistance needed to bring her back to health and to help her ascend. She had tolerated for much too long the abuse and travesty that mankind had inflicted upon her. She never complained and withstood treatment that no being should ever be subjected to at any time.
Yes the earth is a living being. She is a Divine living being just as you are. She is loved by so many who have now come together to assist her in her hours of need.
Every being in the Light: including those from other planets, stars and throughout the galaxy are assisting at this moment to change the vibration and bring Light in to replace the darkness that has been shrouding the truth of whom she is and who you are Beloveds.
Now we must express that you have Free Will upon your planet so not one of us, even the Source of Creation can interfere. But when there is a need to help then we can step in. That time has come.
Everyone who is incarnate at this moment is one of the chosen souls. Does this surprise you Beloveds? Yes, you are one of the souls who have come to assist in ushering in the new Earth. You are here to assist in altering the way of life that has been the known way. You came to be what we like to call our ‘Ground Crew” who are in a human vessel to bring in this change, this ascension of humanity and the planet with literally boots on the ground.
Now not only your planet but also humanity is changing; changing for the Highest Good of all.
So what is it exactly that you are being asked to do? Each of you has a very important role that you chose to accomplish. No role is more important than another. There are some who are in the limelight because they are here to bring awareness to the masses by being seen and heard by great numbers. Be mindful that each one has his or her belief and listen only to those that resonate for you. There is something for some coming from many but is not for all. This is how your beautiful world is: There can be many ideas, beliefs, thoughts and opinions. None are wrong as the hodgepodge is what keeps it flowing. No two snowflakes are the same but when they all come together they form a beautiful unified carpet.
If you are not one of those who is in the proverbial limelight, your role is not any less important. This is something you must understand and believe. For many today who are experiencing hardship, ill health, losses and what feels like inner turmoil it is not easy and we understand this completely.
All old ideas and beliefs must be removed and replaced by love of self, acceptance of self, appreciation of self, and trust of self. There can be some of these beliefs that are embedded so very deep within your core that you do not see them or know they exist. These must be brought to the surface and accepted and then released and healed.
We ask that you create more time for the inner work you need to do. Set aside regular time to meditate, sit and listen to the inner wisdom of your soul and allow whatever is still lurking inside to come forth. It will if you allow it. How you do this is not what is important. What is important is that you do it. We encourage you to give this gift to yourself.
We know that at times it seems easier to resist doing this and to ignore it. But like the itch that begs to be scratched, it will become more and more noticeable until it cannot be ignored. Visualize what you want your world to be like and hold the intention that it shall be just that and more. Your thoughts do matter and the impact that they carry is vast.
Your soul talks to you through your heart and through your body. Yes your beautiful minds chatter most of the time if you let them. And if you let the mind be in charge it can give you all sorts of reasons to ignore the messages your body and heart are sending by telling you that you cannot heal, that you are destined to be in turmoil and fear.
On the other hand, if you allow your heart to guide you and follow what it says, you will accomplish what you need to do. And if you listen to your body as it tells you that you need to pay attention, you can also heal as you need to heal.
Being in human incarnation is not what you might call a piece of cake. It is difficult to deal with all the dense third dimensional energies of life. This is why we tell you more and more how appreciated you are and how important you are.
When you come into an incarnation as a human you agree to forget much of who you are so that you may experience certain aspects of life and what you like to call lessons. All of you who are here on the planet today have had many, many incarnations. Some would call you ‘old souls’. Most of you do come under that description. You have been around the block many times, to use a human term.
You have had lifetimes that are very diverse. You have all experienced every different type of being that is possible.
Oh yes, you have been ‘good guys’ and you have been bad guys’. You have done it all. Each one brought you closer to your ascension.
Now you are here to awaken and remember who you are. You are here to recall all the wisdom and knowledge you have acquired in all of those experiences so that you may use it for the benefit of all sentient beings who share the planet with you.
Beloved friends, it is time to awaken and step forward to enable the process to move smoothly. The more who embrace this, allow the healing that is needed individually as well as with your earth, the more rapidly the changes will come.
We ask that you work on yourselves. Be compassionate, kind and loving to you. Let go of any judgment that you have of you and who you are. Allow the real you, the Divine being that you are, come out to play.
If each person does this and only works on his or herself the results will be very amazing you see. As each one does the inner work needed to free themselves from what no longer serves them as with fear for example, it will be like a beautiful tree in the spring whose buds open one by one to reveal a beautiful blossom. As more and more blossoms open up, the tree becomes one display of outstanding beauty.
This is what it will be like Dear Ones. See you and all of your brothers and sisters as blossoms on the same tree. As one Beloveds: as One. Let us call this the new version of the Tree of Life. Does it not feel good to be a magnificent blossom on a tree with all the other blossoms that are just as beautiful? Spectacular blossoms that together are forming a unified tree as One. No divisions, no ‘we and they’, no better and worse, no higher and lower. Only unique, whole and One.
Your tree is symbolic of what humanity will become. One with all is the new paradigm. As more and more of you understand this concept, embrace it and visualize it as being a reality the more and more Light can and will come in. Begin to live it now.
We ask this of you: be attentive and in tune with you; with your body and your intuitive senses. Make decisions according to how you feel. When an opportunity comes to you what do you feel in your heart and in your gut?
You know these feelings and emotions Beloveds. Do not ignore them. Listen and act instead of reacting. If something feels right and everything your mind is telling you says it is not right, listen to your heart and your body.
Do not let the ego lead you away from something that you know is what you want to do.
If you would like to do a test run with this so that you know the signs and how to recognize them we will give you an easy exercise to try at your convenience.
Imagine something that you know is right for you. Something that you already know is good. While thinking of this and imagining it occurring, notice your body, your heart and your reactions even in subtle ways. Do you get an allover feeling of joy or peacefulness, or even a smile comes to your face? You say, “It just feels right” How often have you said that without putting a lot of thought into it?
Then imagine something that you know is not right for you. With this you can imagine something that is so far out that there is no way you would do it. As you imagine this scenario, again notice all the signs and reactions that come. Don’t try to make them happen, go with what just comes. Does your heart race, do you feel tension, or complete dislike? You say, “This does not feel right and I am not going to do it.” How often have you said this in a reaction to something that shows up?
Now you know how your body and your inner wisdom guide you. Begin Beloveds to pay attention to what you feel and trust it. Your Angels also speak to you in this way at times. Trust that you are getting true and loving guidance.
In closing Dearest Ones, we invite you to live joyously from your heart, embrace your truth and importance as the magnificent being you are, welcome all new opportunities that come into your life and by doing this you empower yourself to step into your power and walk the extraordinary walk that you have at all times within. The more that you honor yourselves and your intuition by listening and trusting that all the answers you ever need are right there inside, the easier it will become. Go within and not without is a saying many use.
Awaken to the new you, the new world and the new beginnings that are on the horizon. Hear the guidance that your inner radar is giving you. We thank you from the depths of our hearts for being you, for coming at this time to do this work. You are an essential part in this new way of life upon planet Earth. Thank you.
With Love, Light, Gratitude and Blessings,
We are the Archangel Uriel
February 2021
Most Beloved and Precious Friends,
We would like to relate some words about your life as it is now and how it will be. You have heard
from many beings of the Light on different aspects of this. This is the most important topic for you so yes, it may seem as if we are bombarding you at times with the same rhetoric.
The world as you know it is in the midst of change that has never been seen before. This we have told you many times. The importance of it is beyond your comprehension Beloveds but trust us when we tell you that it is.
If you read the words that are on this page each month you are have some sense of questioning and a stirring within that there has to be something more to life than you see in this present moment. If you are in that place then you are either awakening to your true essence and Divinity or have already awakened..
For some what we are telling you may be uncomfortable to understand. But it is vital that you are open to new understanding and attempt to comprehend our words. If at first it doesn't make sense then that is just fine Beloveds, for when it is time you will understand what we say.
Long ago those in the Upper Realms came together to discuss the dire situation that was upon Earth and with those who live upon the planet. It was decided that Mother Earth, also known as Gaia, was more than worthy to have the assistance needed to bring her back to health and to help her ascend. She had tolerated for much too long the abuse and travesty that mankind had inflicted upon her. She never complained and withstood treatment that no being should ever be subjected to at any time. Yes the Earth is a living being. She is a Divine living being just as you are. She is loved by so many who have now come together to assist her in her hours of need.
Every being in the Light, those from other planets, stars and throughout the galaxy and beyond are assisting at this moment to change the vibration and bring Light in to replace the illusion that has been shrouding the truth of whom she is and who you are Beloveds.
In the time that we mentioned when all convened to come together for this unprecedented time, there were many souls who volunteered to come to be a part of what is known as the New Golden Age. Only those who could complete the service and could do the work were chosen. There were many who were not chosen.
Everyone who is incarnate at this moment is one of the chosen souls. Each has their own experiences to live. Yet not all are not here to play the role as many of you are. Does this surprise you beloveds?
If this resonates with you then yes, you are one of the souls who have come to assist in ushering in the New Earth. You are here to assist in altering the way of life that has been the known way. You are what is often called a Lightworker. You are working in service to the Light. You are working with the Light.
Let us be clear, not all Lightworkers are here to shine their Light for others to see. Some are here to offer contrast and stir things up so that the Light Brigade, if you will, can step forward to do the work. Instead of being judgmental and critical of others, remember each and every one of you has your own unique role to play. Let all actors in the play called life get the billing of recognition and gratitude. Yes even those who are portraying 'the bad guys' this time around. There is a purpose in everything.
Now there are some things that some are finding an awareness to or some who have been looking into what is going on. And there are many who are unaware and may not want to be aware. There is so much that is not known, that is coming to the forefront and much that is still to be revealed. Thousands of years of hidden pieces of the puzzle are being turned over to reveal what is on the top. Some of the revelation may be difficult for many to swallow.
We only mention this to bring into your awareness that the most important thing you can do is go within, and be still in that place of wisdom, love and knowing. Let everything happen for it will and as it should. Be aware without being in fear. Be open to a new understanding.
The Earth as you know it is changing and it has to change. For so very long things have been usurped and hidden from humanity. Now it is coming forth to be shown.
We will not give you details for that is not what we are here to do. And we most certainly do not want to frighten anyone. Always remember that life is an illusion and everyone has a role that they are playing. Always keep that in your mind no matter what comes up. You can envision yourself in a theatre watching a play unfold upon the stage in front of you. The curtain comes up and the play begins. You will see the actors, the sets and the story plot. You will hear words and watch movement. And it is all an illusion, this play you are watching. The ending will be so much more incredible and wonderful than you could ever imagine. As you watch you know that the surprises will show themselves at just the right time and you will delight in all that unfolds.
Now not only your planet but also humanity is changing, changing for the Highest Good of all. So what is it exactly that you are being asked to do? Each of you has a very important role that you chose to accomplish.
No role is more important than another. There are some who are in the limelight because that is their
purpose; to bring awareness to the masses by being seen and heard by great numbers. If you are not one of those, your role is not any less important. This is something you must understand and believe.
For many today that are experiencing hardship, ill health, losses and what feels like inner turmoil, it is not easy and we understand this completely. All old ideas and beliefs must be removed and replaced by love of self, acceptance of self, appreciation of self, and trust of self. And the ability to say ‘no more’.
Some of these beliefs can be embedded so very deep within your core that you do not see them or know they exist. These must be brought to the surface and accepted and then released to be healed.
We ask that you create more time for the inner work you need to do. Set aside regular time to meditate, sit and listen to the inner wisdom of your soul and allow whatever is still lurking inside to come forth. It will if you allow it. Take a walk, listen to healing music, hum, sing, take deep breathes of Creator love into your being.
We know that at times it seems easier to resist doing this and to ignore it. But like the annoying itch that needs to be scratched, it will become more and more noticeable until it cannot be ignored and most likely grow into something more severe.
Your soul talks to you through your heart and through your body. Yes your beautiful minds chatter most of the time if you let them. And if you let the mind be in charge it can give you all sorts of reasons to ignore the messages your body and heart are sending by telling you that you cannot heal or that you are destined to be in turmoil and fear.
On the other hand, if you allow your heart to guide you and follow what it says, you will accomplish what you need to do. And if you listen to your body as it tells you that you need to pay attention, you can also heal as you need to heal.
Being in human incarnation is not what you might call 'a piece of cake'. It is difficult to deal with all the dense third and fourth dimensional energies of life. This is why we tell you more and more how appreciated you are and how important you are.
When you come into an incarnation as a human you agree to forget much of who you are so that you may experience certain aspects of life and what you like to call lessons. Many of you who are here on the planet today as Lightworkers have had many, many incarnations. Some would call you ‘old souls’. For a human perspective we say that most of you do come under that description although we do not care to label anyone or put them in a ‘category’ of such. You have been around the block many times, to use a human term. But being an old soul is not a requirement to do the work. Again, there are many, many different roles in this play called life and ascension, and all are needed to play the part they have agreed to play.
You have had lifetimes that are very diverse. You have all experienced every different type of being that is possible. Oh yes, you have been ‘good guys’ and you have been ‘bad guys’. You have done it all. Each one brought you closer to your soul’s ascension.
Now you are here to awaken and remember who you are. You are here to recall all the wisdom and
knowledge you have acquired in all of those experiences so that you may use it for the benefit of all
sentient beings who share the planet with you.
Beloved friends, it is time to awaken and step forward to enable the process to move smoothly. The more who embrace this, allow the healing that is needed individually as well as with your Earth, the more rapidly the changes will come.
We ask that you work on yourselves. Be compassionate, kind and loving to you. Let go of any judgment that you have of you and who you are. Allow the real you, the Divine being that you are, come out to play.
You see, if each person does this and only works on his or herself the results will be very amazing. As each one does the inner work needed to free themselves from what no longer serves them as with fear for example, it will be like a beautiful tree in the spring whose buds open one by one to reveal a tree full of beautiful blossoms. As more and more blossoms open up, the tree becomes one display of outstanding beauty.
This is what it will be like dear ones. See you and all of your brothers and sisters as blossoms on the same tree. As one Beloveds, as one. Let us call this the new version of the Tree of Life. Does it not feel good to be a magnificent blossom on a tree with all the other blossoms that are just as beautiful?
Your tree is symbolic of what humanity is becoming. One with all is the new paradigm. As more and more of your understand this concept, embrace it and visualize it as being a reality the more and more Light can and will come in. The new human can then emerge.
We ask this of you: be attentive and in tune with you; with your body and your intuitive senses. Make
decisions according to how you feel. When an opportunity comes to you what do you feel in your heart and in your gut?
You know these feelings and emotions beloveds. Do not ignore them. Listen and act instead of reacting. If something feels right and everything your mind is telling you says it is not right, listen to your heart and your body. Do not let the ego lead you away from something that you know is what you want to do. Trust your instincts. Trust your heart. Trust yourself.
If you would like to do a test run with this so that you know the signs and how to recognize them we will give you an easy exercise to try at your convenience.
Imagine something that you know is right for you. Something that you already know is good. While thinking of this and imagining it occurring, notice your body, your heart and your reactions even in subtle ways. Do you get an allover feeling of joy or peacefulness, or even a smile comes to your face? You say, “It just feels right.” How often have you said that without putting a lot of thought into it?
Then imagine something that you know is not right for you. With this you can imagine something that
you do not resonate with it. As you imagine this scenario, again notice all the signs and reactions that come. Don’t try to make them happen, go with what just comes. Does your heart race, do you feel tension, or complete dislike? You say, “This does not feel right and I am not going to do it.” How often have you said this in a reaction to something that shows up?
Now you know how your body and your inner wisdom guide you. Begin Beloveds to pay attention to what you feel and trust it. Your Angels and guides also speak to you in this way at times. Trust that you are getting true and loving guidance.
In closing Beloved ones, we invite you to live joyously from your heart, embrace your truth and importance as the magnificent being you are, welcome all new opportunities that come into your life and by doing this you empower yourselves to step into your power and walk the extraordinary walk that you have at all times within.
The more that you honor yourselves and your intuition by listening and trusting that all the answers you ever need are right there inside, the easier it will become. Go within and not without is a saying many use.
And we ask you to not try to fix things. Be diligent, be patient and remain in your heart space. The Universe is always working for you and will never let you down. All you have to do is say that you want changes that are for the Highest Good for All and then let it go. Allow the Universe to do what it does. It knows what it is doing. It knows how to do it. Don’t let your human mind and ego get in the way.
So if things begin to show up that might rattle you and send you into a spin, do not give up. Instead go within and let everything settle in. Believe in yourself. Trust yourself and the Universe.
We are all one and together we will bring about the change to beloved Earth and all who reside upon it. This is a change that is your birthright. This is a change that blesses everyone and everything as equal and with love. The greed, the manipulation and the control will cease to be.
Your only requirement is to stay true to yourself and not let anything including your mind, steer you in another way.
Awaken to the new you, the new glorious world and the new beginnings that are on the horizon.
Hear the guidance that your inner radar is giving you. Trust, have faith and never give your power away to another. Be in your wholeness and your sovereignty.
We thank you from the depths of our hearts for being you, for coming at this time to do this work. You are an essential part in this new way of life upon planet Earth. Thank you.
With Love, Light, Gratitude, and Blessings,
We are the Archangel Uriel©
November 2020
Beloved Friends,
It is always a pleasure to bring a message to you. My words for you come with hope, love and blessings for you to know your greatness, to know how loved you are and that the time is here for you to step into your power as the Divine Being that you are.
It is time.
So many have given their power away to others and or beliefs in many forms. Some give it to a job; some give it to a family member or to religious doctrine. Others give it away to beliefs that are so ingrained in them that they don't even know they have power that they have given away. And some have let fear overcome their entire being. Many are actually paralyzed in that fear like as humans state, “They had just seen a ghost”. Now we actually find that notion a bit humorous for why would one think ghosts are scary? Fear does play havoc with the thinking process quite often.
The time has come to change this and each of you are more than perfectly capable of doing just that. Reclaim what is yours, your power.
Power is not as the perception and the misunderstanding has been for eons Beloved friends. It is not holding control or authority over someone or something. There are no 'markers' here dear ones. There are no contracts 'with the devil' involved. Those are all illusions.
Your personal power is that which is yours. It is your truth and your Divine right to be that truth. When you allow another or something to hold you 'under the thumb' so to speak you give away your power. Now more than ever precious ones is it important to understand and know that no one can take your power from you unless you allow it. Why would you allow that to occur?
When you are not in love with yourself you can give your power away for you don't feel good enough to keep it. So you let another do it for you and then of course you don't feel good about that either.
It is time.
My dear friends, it is now time to take the reins, take the wheel and go to the head of the pack. Love of self is not being self-centered. There is not what is called conceit involved.
You are creating your world and the world around you in each moment. When things are not going as you want them to go, then you can change course.
Many have been moving through life in a haze, on auto-pilot and numbness to everything outside of their little world. This has been the ‘norm’ for so very long. Humanity has become conditioned to just do and follow the crowd, do what they are told to do and not make waves. They actually are like robots who don’t think for themselves.
They keep creating and thus living what has been taught and see no other way. They have come so far as to not even question those beliefs. The numbness has set in and there is no feeling to bring life back. They cannot see past the limits or even that there are limits.
It is time.
The world is being shown to you as in turmoil, in chaos and hopelessness, fear and angst are rampant. But do you think you need to believe that this is so? Perhaps you can choose to see things in a different way. Perhaps seeing that every one, everywhere is acting a part and that there is more to what is occurring than you can understand. Can you trust that no matter what anyone is doing, they are acting out a part that is for a higher perspective? Do not allow others to tell you what is so. Find out for yourself. Go within and ask your internal wisdom if what is being presented is true. Your inner wisdom and guidance is always right on and will never lead you astray. Trust.
Can you trust yourself; trust the Divine and the Source of all Creation to always take you where you are to go?
Can you trust that you are safe and nothing can harm you unless you allow it?
Can you believe that you can make a difference? Can you trust that you can help shift consciousness to love instead of fear? Fear is a control mechanism and unless you buy into it you are not ever going to be controlled.
Be sovereign, be true to yourself and don’t allow outside influences to cloud your knowing. There is always more to anything that meets the eye (or ear).
It is time.
There is always a door, an opening. There is no wall that cannot come down. And all walls can topple as soon as you decide it is time to find the opening. It is there. It has always been there.
It is time.
The time is here to look past all of the limitations and find the door, go through it and into light.
And it can begin with the smallest of changes. It can be done in small steps, baby steps if needed. It takes holding the intention that you want to change the way you live. If you are in the rut, in that box, behind the closed doors, you are now being invited to intend to come out and see what is there for you.
Oh beloved friends, it is time. It is time to see that you are not limited, you can change and everything is possible. Let go of the past and begin anew.
In this moment you can create anything. In this moment all is possible. This moment, the present moment, is a gift and a blessing, a treasure for you to receive. There is no other moment just as this one. Do not let another moment of your beautiful life go by without saying 'Yes' to the new you.
See it in this way. See that this moment is the greatest of all moments in all lifetimes for you. Right now! It is time. The energy in this moment is not as any has been or will be. So do not let it pass you by.
It is time.
Time is now for you to create what you want, and unravel and let go what you do not want. No matter how bad it may seem right now, you can change it so quickly with your thoughts, intentions and belief in you.
Every moment you have experienced has been in growth. Nothing has been for naught. If you see it this way, you can find gratitude for what you have experienced and what you have done and been.
Yet those experiences are now gone by the wayside and the only important focus is on now.
It is time to see yourself in new light. See yourself as the powerful and Divine being that you are.
Allow that power, your truth of who you are and your Divinity show itself.
It is time.
Revel in the beauty of you, in the treasure that you are and your preciousness. Revel in life and the gift that it is and the gift to life that you are.
It is time.
With Love, Light, Gratitude and Blessings,
We are the Archangel Uriel©