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Archangel Jophiel

~A Message from Archangel Jophiel~                       July 2024

Beautiful, Blessed and Bountiful Ones,

It is such a delightful pleasure to speak with you in this manner. We are nearby and we watch and observe our precious sisters and brothers who are what we lovingly call our ‘Ground Crew”. If you could only see you as we see you, we assure you that you would be, to use your term, ‘blown away’ and then some. You might be blowing across the land like one of those tumbling tumbleweeds in huge gusts of wind!

We wish to address the past, present and future with you. We are going to go backwards in your view but in reality all are the same. 

So we begin with the future. Just the word alone can bring all sorts of thoughts and emotions to one. It can be thought of as something to look forward to and the have dreams and desires of wonderful things to come. 

It can be just the opposite for many. Those who are in this ‘arena’ who have worry, concern, and even trepidation and fear of what is to come. 

Most everyone can get hung up on the unknown and the need to know. You want to know all the details, all the ins and outs, all the colors, sizes, and everything about everything. The human is a very complex entity. And may we add and incredible entity at that. We wish for them to  find the inner knowing of who and what they are and that they are capable of anything they wish to achieve and then there would not be any of those worries, concerns and fears.

When you can come to the place of trust and knowing that everything is going to be okay no matter how it may seem at this time of your experience, then you can relax and know that the future will take care of itself. It always does and always will. Divine Planning is always in play.

Your Creator, God, Spirit, Universe or whatever you wish to call the Source of All, will never let you down. You are always, in every moment, taken care of and held in loving embraces. 

Having trust and faith in that Source as well as in yourself is where you can find the peace you seek, the happiness you desire and the well-being you deserve. 

Does it make any sense at all if you really take a few moments to contemplate about it, that the one who created you would not take care of you in all ways? You have Free Will and Free Choice and no one or nothing can interfere with that. When you trust and not fear or resist, so many amazing and wonderful things can come to you.

Can you look forward to the future without fixating on the outcome or result and just trust that all is in Divine and Perfect Order and what is coming is far more exquisite than you could ever imagine?

We so wish for you to be in that place of letting go of that which is to come, what is around the corner and the need to know the details, and just let it be with that trust that it is always going to be for your Highest and Greatest Good. Be like a child and have that childlike wonder of excitement about what tomorrow will bring. That child doesn’t worry about how the day will unfold, but instead goes to sleep with no concerns and wakes up to experience the day as it comes to him or her. That is living moment to moment which is a segue to the present.

We know you hear over and over that it is important to be in the now, be in the present moment at all times. It is said so often that perhaps there might be something to it!

Maybe, just maybe, there is a reason it is called the present. Could it be that is is a present, a gift, for you? If the brought a smile to you beautiful face then we are feeling successful!

You may be thinking, “Jophiel I am not sure I like the present and how things are in such turmoil everywhere.” We hear you and completely understand. This is where you can really show your power, your truth and who you are.

Letting go of what is going on around you, no matter how good or bad it seems to be is the key to it all. If you can remember that it is all an illusion and what you believe and don’t believe is how your life will play out. If you believe that all is well and that love is ever present, that there is good everywhere even in the places that seem so dark then you can feel peaceful. 

On the other hand if you see the world as falling apart, that upheaval and chaos has taken over and that there is no hope to cling to, then that is how your life will be playing out.

Being present yet not involved is something that does take work and commitment. The results will be worth the effort.

It is very important for you to be present in your awareness of whom you are and where you are. 

You come into an incarnation to experience and to forget much that you know so you can experience what your soul chooses to do and learn.  You are a Divine Being of Light, One with Source and when you let go of believing that you are a mere and mortal human who has to deal with whatever life gives to you, then life will give to you what is your birthright: to be in joy, happiness, abundance is all areas of your life, healthy and in peace.

This is why being in the present moment, in the now moment, is the only place to be for it is all you need to be. It is important to stay focused and not let outside influence or drama impact any of it, which can help with easing the pressure that might be part of it. The time is now. Yes only now and not tomorrow or yesterday.  Just be in the now.

We mentioned yesterday. We will now move to the final part of our ‘trilogy’ of future, present and past.

Oh the past, that thing that haunts so many and causes so many emotions of distress, guilt, unforgiveness, and any other emotion that is a ‘downer’ for you.

There are many times we want to shout at you and say, “Get over it! It does not matter anymore!” Of course we would never actually shout at you unless you are in need of a warning.

How often have you and do you think of something and you say or have the thought of “If only…..”, “I should have….”, “I could have…” and “If I could do it over I would…..”?

If you are honest you will say there are so many times you cannot count them all. So let us begin right there. So what? Every one of those times gave you a gift of seeing it in a new way or perhaps a wonderful lesson came with it. Or it gives you the opportunity to give yourself a hug and tell yourself that it is okay and that you forgive yourself. The past is just that – it has passed and does not matter anymore. No matter what has occurred in your past, whether it be a fond memory or one that you are not fond of, it is over, gone and does not matter anymore. Now we are not telling you that you cannot hold those fond memories in your heart. We only say that is is wise to not hold on to them so tightly that they hold you back. 

What you have thought of as being a mistake, we suggest that you see it as a learning experience instead of a mistake. In our eyes you can never make a mistake. There are none, for they are like little bumps in you path that you stumbled over but without any permanent ‘damage’. You may have had a few ‘boo-boo’s’ and even a little discomfort but it did not remain and all became better. 

What you hold onto will persist. Beloved Ones, let it all go and let the past be like the last chapter in the book you are reading and let the present be the chapter you are reading now. 

And one last thing we would like to say to you: there is no time in the upper realms. Time was created for humans so they could experience duality and contrast. So with that knowing, can you believe that there is no past, present or future? All is one and all is well!

We love you. We honor you. We adore you. We appreciate you and we will always be here with you in unconditional love and never with a speck of judgement. Love yourself as we love you.

You Are Loved,
Archangel Jophiel ©

February 2019


Greetings Beloved Ones,                                                                                                   


The topic of our message for you is Love.


Love. This is a big subject, is it not? There are of course many, many aspects of love. As love can have many meanings let us focus at this time on the love that is within each of you. Of course we chose this topic  because this is the month that many celebrate the day known for Love.


When you choose to come into a human incarnation, which of course you all have, you come with pure unconditional love. Your pure and perfect Divinity is there and is essentially who you are.


Visualize if you will, a bright light. You can see it as a candle or a star. Whatever you wish is how your Light will be. It is like a spark that is in your center. It can never be extinguished. That is because that is your true self. No matter what occurs while you are moving through your human journey; that light, your love, is always there.


As you began on your journey you had no fears, no judgment, no illusions of anything and all you knew is love and joy. Then as time goes by you begin to absorb beliefs and notions that there is something other than love and joy. You begin to forget who you are and what you are all about. Beloveds, this is part of what your journey is about. To let go of or forget and then to discover and uncover again.


When you come to a place, and everyone will at different times in the journey, where you begin to feel a stirring within you and a wonder as to what are you doing here and what is life all about; you are at a very big turning point. This is often called awakening.


You are awakening to what is already in your being. You are beginning to hear inner wisdom that had been shut off.


You begin to want to know more about your spiritual being.


Each is on their own unique path. No one is the same. This is what is so beautiful about it. You are your own unique self. And each one of you is a beautiful and precious being.


So you have begun your seeking of all that you want to know, which of course you already do know it, so you are actually beginning to recall that knowing.


You start to see everything in a different way. What was once something that seemed to matter before is now not so important. Your sense of values shifts and you see that so much you have been told and believed is just not true. Your truth is coming to the surface.


It can be confusing and even a bit frightening to many. There is nothing to fear beloveds as we are here to assist you in this. We will always be right beside you and you are safe and always protected.


Once you begin to see that relationships, your way of life, and your stringent beliefs are changing, you begin to enter into what will eventually be peace.


When you come to understand that you do not have to please anyone but yourself, you will find a freedom.


You do not have to dress a certain way because that is what society feels you should do. You do not have to have material items just because it is ‘good for your image’. The image of you is only for you to hold. And when you hold the image in love and joy, then others will see that as well. You can be who you want and do what you want. Of course if you follow your heart, all you do will be in love. Your soul knows where you wish to go so let it guide you there.


So we go to the most important part of love. That is: simply loving yourself. Dear ones, no matter how much love you want to give to others, until you love yourself first, you cannot give in totality.


Oh how many of you give love, kindness and compassion to others but do not do the same for yourselves. And as we said until you do that you cannot be whole in your love.


Self-love is the most important aspect of your soul growth and your path.


Self-love must exist before all else. And when you have it then all else will follow. Self-love is an expression of who you are and knowing that you are a Divine being and One with all. There is no separation between you and your Creator, between you and those beings in the Spiritual realms such as Angels and Masters.


We are all One and therefore we are all equal. As you love others love yourself. This love must be unconditional. No matter what you do or say, the love for yourself must never waiver. This is how we love you. In our eyes you are perfect in all ways. In our eyes there is no wrong or right. No one is better than another. That cannot be as there is only oneness.


So precious friends, see yourself in the Light and love that you are. Know how magnificent you are. Do not judge anything you do. Let go of the past and what you feel are ‘mistakes’. If something did not turn out as you thought it would then it was a lesson for you to understand and grow in. You are each so very precious and loved. Let go of thoughts that are otherwise.


Allow yourself to feel love and admiration for you and who you are, what you do and what you create. You have choice in everything. Choose love. Choose to be love. Choose to be loving of you.


As you heal in this way, you will heal in other ways. Believe that you are healed in every way because you are so beautiful and so loved. Trust that because your essence is love, all is good. And it is beloveds, it is.


Capture the love and joy that you arrived in at your birth. Bring back that pureness of unconditional love for you.


See the truth and understand that you are so much more than you have believed. Release all the judgments and guilt of anything you believe you have done or you have said. Release the beliefs that have been embedded in your consciousness that you are not worthy or good enough. You are more than good enough as you are all beings of Light and Love.


The power of the awareness of your true being and your Divinity is unlimited when you completely acknowledge that, it is so. When you do this miracles will come to you. It is your birthright to be in happiness at all times, to be in perfect health, and to have abundance in everything you wish. It is your Creator’s wish for you to have this. Only you can keep it from being a reality.


We close now with a reminder that you are so very, very loved at every moment. Be in that moment and let the past go. The future will take care of itself and is very bright if you stand in your love.


In Unconditional Love,

Archangel Jophiel©


December 2012     


Welcome Beloved Friends,


We are the Angel known as Jophiel. We are so pleased to be speaking to you here today.


December 2012. It is here and many of you are beginning to feel the energy much more strongly now. Some feel it as chaotic, others feel like they are in a whirlpool or even in a tidal wave. Others are feeling a lack of energy and needing more sleep.


Some feel their eating habits are changing or the desire to retreat and be alone more. Confusion is very common.


What have you been experiencing beloved is not something to worry about. It is all part of the change that is occurring at this time.


And now that the dates that have been focused upon, 12-12-12 and 12-21-12, for so long are close at hand, you are all feeling the effects in some way or another.


If you are reading our words than you are not of the consciousness that is buying into the panic frenzy that the media and the doomsday spinners are spreading. We find it so very interesting to see the countdown and ticking clocks that many are now doing and using to gain attention and create fear.


And we also find it very interesting that more and more are not buying it for they understand there is a bigger picture and that there is an end but it is not the end of the world. There is no Armageddon approaching that will bring the end to the Earth and all the inhabitants. Of course we need not tell you for you already know this. You have a deep understanding of that big picture. You may not comprehend it yet but that is just fine dear ones. You will when it is time.


Let us say that the wind has been taken out of the sails of those who have been on the ship of doom. Their vessel has become rickety and has holes in the body. They are attempting to patch those holes but the water is entering faster than they can patch and bail.


You dear ones can see through this and many of you have for quite some time. This is because you are aware of your Divinity even though you may not consciously know this. You are all here to be in this Light filled time and to herald the new that will come without any doubt.


You are all here to serve the Light in your own special and unique way. You each have a very important role to play. If you did not you would not be in embodiment at this time.


And let us go back to those who are attempting to bring the masses into the fear frenzy. Understand this beloveds, they are also here to do what they agreed to do. Their roles are as important as yours. For they are providing contrast so that you may expand your awareness and discern what is truth and what is not. This the way you grow.


One choice and discernment you have is to not listen to or read what they say. You are living in a Free Choice Universe and you can choose what you wish. You have that immense banquet table that is laden with so many varieties to choose from and savor that it can almost be overwhelming at times. Do you pick this one or that one?


This beloved ones is when you show your strengths. For when you allow your inner guidance and inner radar to choose what is right for you, all will open up a world of beautiful bounty of which you have never known.


You are so wise and powerful. Do you see this or do you not trust this? Yes it is not always easy to be in that place of blind faith. But when you trust yourself at all times you will be fine.


Your choices are the right ones whatever they may be. There are no mistakes and because of this we stress that it is time to let go of any unforgiveness of yourself that you may still be harboring within. Let go of what you think you have done that was a mistake or a wrong choice. Let it go beloveds. Release it all and be free. Be free to live your life as you wish.


Oh dearest ones, if we could only show you how loved you are and how valuable you are. You are a gift to the world. Each of you is a beautiful gift who has a very large amount of gifts to share.


If you ask what those gifts are then sit in silence and listen. Let your mind go to what you feel in your heart that makes you feel joyful. When you begin to see what these things are, what you are good at doing, love to do and what gives you feelings of joy you are finding your gifts. Then when you embrace them as yours you may begin to share them with others. This is what it is all about dear ones. Find your gifts for each of you has many and then share them with others.


And the beauty of it all is that each of you has unique gifts to offer. No one has the same gifts. Many are similar but none are exactly the same.


When all this is done in love and joy you are showering the world and providing your piece of the puzzle. It is really very simple when you let go of trying to 'find' them for they have always been there. They were never lost.


Be in joy, be out of fear. Be in love, be out of judgment. Be the loving being that you are and allow your true self to be seen.


And as you are often told here and through others, you are not alone in this. You have so many beings in the Light Realms; Angels, Ascended Masters, loved ones who are on the other side who want to help you through this. Our desire is to assist you in any way you want.


Enjoy your month of December. Embrace it and allow it to be magical and wonderful. If you wish to be with others in any way on those dates, then by all means do it. There are many offerings of global conference calls, group gatherings, sacred places to be with others and the such. If this is not for you or not something that you can do, that is okay too. But we invite you to at least take a few moments to sit quietly and breathe in the energy that is there. It is a good time to just be. Taking time to not do anything that are usual everyday events and 'duties' and letting go of worries and concerns for a while can be very good for the soul on these special days.


The new world is upon you. Do you welcome it with open arms? We wish for each of you to consider this beloveds. This is the world that you desire in your heart of hearts and is nothing like has ever been before. And you are here to experience it! Is this not an exciting fact?


We thank you for showing up to participate. We are deeply grateful to you.


You Are Loved,

Archangel Jophiel ©


February 2015

Blessed Greetings,


We are so very pleased to be invited to speak with you here today.


Precious ones, we come to you with encouragement and hopefulness to be yours. All is well in the big picture of things. We know that when you are only seeing your life in what is around you and your daily trials and tribulations, it can be very hard at times to believe that it really is all well.


We bring you words of love and encouragement for it is time for everyone to rediscover joy in life and of life. If you will open the eyes of your hearts and allow yourself to see how much you have to be joyful about, we do think you will understand.


It can be very difficult when you are in hard times, poor health, loss, sadness and despair to see anything joyful. Oh beloved ones we do understand this very well.


If you can pull up those boot straps and take some very deep breaths, that is a way to begin. Sigh if you wish. Sighing is a good way to release.


The focus you put your attention upon is what of course is what you attract and create. Seeing lack or being without, is telling the Universe that is what you want and as long as you continue in that vibration it will continue to be yours.


If you repeatedly say that you have this dis-ease or ill-ness than your are actually owning it and again you are telling the Universe that is who you are and so it remains with you.


If you say you are lonely, unforgiving, have lost hope in everything, then unfortunately you are telling that story as being yours and it will belong to you in full ownership.


We believe you follow what we are attempting to convey. The only way to shift out of or away from what you don't want is to shift your thoughts and beliefs.


If you believe you have no money or no friends, than that belief creates it to be real.


Thoughts, words and actions of joy bring that joy to your life no matter what you may be experiencing.


It is time to find joy, rediscover it, for you come from love and joy, in your life and allow everything to flow in ease and Grace.


We do not intend to lecture for we see that as being counterproductive. We never lecture for our role is to only support, guide and help you see what is available for you and in this see and remember who you really are. When you do you will be astonished at your incredibleness.


Our wish dear ones, is to see each and every one of you in excitement about life, in love with life and all that it offers. We do what we can to assist you in finding joy, happiness and love of the gift of life but of course you are the one who has to do it.


We ask you to step back and really focus on answering our questions that we present to you. First, how willing are you to letting go of the same patterns of your behavior and daily life to try something new? Are you 'game' to explore new possibilities and opportunities that present themselves to you? In that, do you know that the more willing you are to accept this, the more will show up for you?


Are you stuck in the same routines, same ruts and feeling that it will always be the way it is?


Does your life and what is in it bring you satisfaction and a happiness that is deeper than only what is on the surface? Can you feel good about what you do and who you are? Can you awaken each day with excitement and anticipation as to what it will bring?


Do you feel that there is more to what you are experiencing right now? Is there an inner nudging and unrest that gives you thoughts of wanting more?


And are you willing to take a leap of faith and jump on the train of expectations that is one-way and will take you to a new level of life that you have never experienced? Once you get on that train, beloved ones, you will never return nor will you wish to go back. Let go of those old worn out stories that tell who you may have been before. Are you ready for the new you to come forth? You are.


It is time for everyone to let go of fear and doubt and say 'yes' to change and new. It is time to let the passion that is in your heart show you new doors, new arenas, and new destinations. Allow what makes your heart go 'pity-pat', flutter and beat in excitement in. Joy is the ultimate emotion that resides with love. There is no vibration higher than love and joy. They go hand in hand.


We encourage you to discover, rediscover, the enthusiasm for life as does the child. Do you remember the joy of being in the moment and anticipating the next moment? If those are fleeting remembrances then merely observe a child or children at play and you will feel that knowing again. How often have you wished you could be back in that carefree childhood of long ago?


You, the adult, can do the same thing in your own way. There is no rule or edict that states that when you are in the adult body, in adulthood, that you must not act as a child.


Oh dear ones, this has been said to you so many times in your life. "Act your age" "Don't be so childish" "Quit acting like a baby" "Grow up" and on and on they go.


And those of you who have children or adult children most likely have said those very words to them. Yes, the programming is quite good and it is like a revolving door where the beliefs and 'teachings' go around and around without coming out on the other side.


Dearest ones, are you now ready to shed the old skin of having to be, do and act as you have been told? Can you feel with excitement how good it will feel to break those bonds and be free to live in joy and dance on the stage of life with abandonment? You have the key to the prison door and you are the one who knows how to unlock it. Only you can do it.


Each soul desires love, peace, happiness, abundance, and freedom. And you can have all of them. You do not have to choose one or a few. Take them all for they are there for you beloved friends.


It is all in your mindset and what you are willing to allow. When you can align yourself with good feelings those feelings will be yours. It really is that simple.


If you think you are ready to do this and move forward but feel that it is not possible, the doors of opportunities are not there for you, or you are being forced to remain where you are, then what is occurring is you are holding what is there for you away.


Often it seems easier to remain in your current situation or state of being than to risk change. We promise you that when you decide that you are worthy of more, you will be able to take the actions, make the moves that will bring you what you desire.


Life beloved ones is a gift and you are worthy of this beautiful gift. See it in love and joy and be love and joy. Create the life you wish to have, be the person you wish to be and let go of all notions that it cannot be so.


You Are Loved,

Archangel Jophiel ©



June 2017


Blessed Greetings,


We thank you for allowing us to do a 'repeat' of our words in a previous message. We do this because the content is important today as much as it was in February 2015.


We wish for you to take back your power and let go of saying that you have this, are that, suffer from that, are in lack or struggling, and have done or been that.


You have complete power and control over you life and what you experience. We urge you to cease telling stories that define you in a way that you do not want. If you want to healthy, wealthy and wise, then we say that you should declare that as what and who you are. Until you own the totality of your Divine essence and say with confidence that you are what you want to be, things will keep going on as they are. Let go of the beliefs that you cannot be something or do something. You can do and be anything. You must believe in yourself and believe in your power to change what you do not want.


An old shoe must be discarded at some point as it will eventually fall apart. Discard the stories that don't fit you.

Discard the stories that label you and put you in a box. It is time for new shoes and a new story. Take the new story of you out of the box and wear it like a brand new pair of shoes. Show the new and real you off to the world.

Be proud of who you are and let go of all that is not you.


You Are Loved,

Archangel Jophiel©

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