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Linayah Kei Michael

Angelic and Spiritual Distance Energy Healing Practitioner,
Spiritual Coach, Angelic Channel, Channel for Spirit, Voice Channeling Coach, Channel of Sacred Bee Energy, Peaceful Transitioning Facilitator, Channel for Joan of Arc

Linayah Kei loves to talk about Angels and will engage anyone who wants to learn about Angels in conversation. Her love for and understanding of the Angelic Realm is very deep and she loves to share all she knows. She knows that part of her life purpose is to teach as many as she can how to connect and work with the Angels and also to bring healing from the Angels and Spirit to everyone! Her teacher and coach even calls her "The Angel Woman". Her love for Spirit is exemplified in the lyrics of the song "You Raise Me Up" by Secret Garden.  

She keeps very busy with meetings with her spiritual community and as the leader of a support group for healers. Her father always quoted Will Rogers, "I never met a man I didn't like" and that is how she looks at everyone she meets. And she is very happy to do whatever her guidance gives her. Whatever Spirit asks her to do she is very willing to act upon it. She has been channeling a book with the Angels.

Linayah and her illustrator, Lisa Azzano are working on completing of their channeled work and hope to soon be moving to the next step of publishing. They are very excited about it. She has been posting her inspirational quotes Facebook for quite some time. Another thing that is loved by many is her Angel messages that she posts daily on her Facebook page as well as sharing with clients and friends.  An example of a message to read is below.

In November 2012 Linayah began leading Angel Circles with Archangel Michael. These are special in-person gatherings in her local area. It is a fun, intimate and very special time for all who attend. She also offers Angel Circles for those who wish to host them in their home in a private setting. For more information on Angel Circles use this link: Angel Circle Information

As an Angelic and Spiritual Distant Energy Healing Practitioner, Angelic Channel, Channel for Spirit, Spiritual Coach, Channel for Joan of Arc, Peaceful Transitioning Facilitator, she has a unique style with her Pathway to Awareness© sessions which bring a very personal and loving experience to her clients.

From Linayah...

I am often asked about my name. In April 2011 Spirit told me that my name needed to be changed for many different reasons. The most important reason is that my new name, Linayah Kei, is a spiritual name and is my given name. I have been shown that this name was given to me very long ago by the Creator. And I love it. It sounds and feels so good and has a familiarity to it. I am very pleased and joyful to now be known in this way. Besides, there are so many with the name of Linda Williamson.
Archangel Metatron told me that I can be sure if anyone 'Googles' my new name, they will not find another! I am so grateful to Spirit for showing this to me and I will always cherish my spiritual name.

At least my initials are the same as my middle name is Kay!

Things change - change is constant. A second change came in April 2015 when Beloved Archangel
Michael has given me a new gift. He said that I am to change my last name and I am so honored and
humbled to accept as my name; Linayah Kei Michael. He says that I am of the family of Michael and it
is my lineage. I am so proud to have the name of my Wingman. Thank you Archangel Michael. Thank you.

Angels' Blessings,   
Linayah Kei Michael

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Like many energy healers, Linayah works remotely, without being with the client or on the phone with them. Clients have said that they like this way of receiving a session because they don't have to be on the phone and listen to what is being said. She brings the energy of the Angels to the client over distance and they work with the person. Distance does not matter. Linayah has clients all over the globe. She gives complete love and compassion to her sessions and to the follow-up and feedback she provides. She is what is called a channel for Spirit but also they call her a Communicator for the Divine. Either way she brings messages from Spirit to anyone who wishes to hear them.

Her clients love the email that she sends after each session which gives them the details of the session and channeled messages from the Angels and Ascended Masters that she always receives. The devotion to her clients and to bringing them what she knows they deserve is shown in her sessions where she sometimes works for up to three hours receiving messages and information from the Angelic Realm and Ascended Masters who are the guides at the time for the client. You will not find this kind of impact in a session anywhere else. It is completely unique in the energy and information that is received.

She loves to introduce you to your Soul Guardian Angel. This is a very special Angel who is assigned to you (each soul has their own Angel) who is with you throughout eternity. She can connect you with the name and a message from this Angel.

Linayah also assists souls through transition in an intimate and loving way to help them have a peaceful transition.

Her granddaughter Maddie and her grandson Jack are the loves of her life. Her love for children, the animal kingdom in all forms and all of nature shows in her passion to work with Mother Earth and all beings who reside here. The birds who are always at her feeders bring her great joy as well as do the flowers in her garden. She feels a deep connection to the trees and says she is transformed when she is with them. She sees the beauty that Mother Nature gives to us in abundance and hopes for everyone to see the same. Hers is a commitment to help all she can to find love and compassion, kindness in their lives and see the Oneness we all have with one another no matter who we are.

As a wife, mother and grandmother who cares deeply for all she meets, she is devoted to showing each client a very personal experience to come to a place of healing that each deserves. With Linayah Kei's love and caring combined with that of the Angelic Realm, healing can and does happen.

Linayah's deep love for the Angels has brought her peace and joy in her life. She completely trusts the Angelic guidance and love that is there for everyone and she finds much joy in helping her clients and others to learn to feel the same trust when they begin to connect with the Angels. With Archangel Michael as her main guide she says that everything is covered with her 'Wingman' as she lovingly calls him, beside her at all times.

"I consider Archangel Michael as one of my guardian angels and Linayah’s channelings of him have served to strengthen my relationship with him. Archangel Michael’s messages as channeled by Linayah always resonate strongly with me and seem to be so personal. For me, they are on point, giving me the right message at the right time. They are very comforting. I can feel Michael’s genuine love for all of us at the circle.

Linayah brings such grace, peace and strength as a channel for Archangel Michael. I am grateful for her gift that she shares with us. There is an intimate sense of community, openness, and love in the circle. The energy lasts for days."

Ron, San Ramon


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